The new Vatican art gallery was opened on October 27, 1932 building constructed by architect Luca Beltrami, specifically to house the art gallery, by Pope Pius XI.


The palace was built in a part of the Garden Square, completely isolated and surrounded by streets, in a place deemed appropriate by the excellent presence of light can enhance the aesthetic value of the works. Before the gallery's works were often moved among the various apostolic palaces because they did not have a fixed location, so its construction was also used to resolve the issue. Pius VI was able to create a prestigious collection of 118 paintings in the 1790s, but it was short-lived as, following the Treaty of Tolentino signed in 1797, some of the greatest masterpieces were transferred to Paris. The modern art gallery, intended as a show open to the public, was born just after the fall of Napoleon, precisely in 1817, which followed the return of some works in accordance with the directives of the Congress of Vienna. Thanks to numerous donations and acquisitions, the collection continued to grow over the years, reaching the current number of about 460 paintings, displayed in its conference in chronological order. The works range from those defined as "Primitive" (XII-XIII century) with those of the nineteenth century. The collection of paintings can boast some of the greatest masterpieces of Italian artists such as Giotto, Raphael, Leonardo, Caravaggio and many others.




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Sala I (Nicolò e Giovanni)


The room contains the so-called "primitive" the Italian artists of the Middle Ages. Among the works collected, carried out mainly in tempera on panel, is particularly important in the Judgement of Nicholas and John (Roman school of the second half of the twelfth century), painted by circular and rectangular base, arrived at the Oratory of St. Gregory Nazianzen Santa Maria in Campo Marzio in Rome. The iconography is divided into overlapping registers and examples. Above, Christ Pantocrator in Majesty with Angels and Seraphim falling, as the priestly prayer Jesus in front of an altar, a place among the Apostles with the instruments of the Passion. In the third register, three separate scenes, from left, Dismas said the "good thief" before the cross in St. Paul, who guides the hand raised, then the Virgin and St. Stephen's prayers for the Holy Innocents, and finally, an illustration of the Seven Works of Mercy summarized in three episodes (clothe the naked, visit prisoners, quench the thirsty), and below it the resurrection of bodies: the devoured by wild beasts and fish on the left, buried for interment right, the allegories of the Earth and Sea in the middle. Below, the illustrations of Hell with the damned and the Heavenly Jerusalem (Heaven) with the Virgin surrounded by two Saints and their elected representatives. Below the Virgin, are depicted the principals of the table, two nuns, identified by title as "Domna Benedicta ancilla Dei" and "abbatissa Constantia. "

Except for this and for the Triptych Stefaneschi (Room II), all the tables contained in the first two rooms of the gallery are from the Vatican Library Collection.



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