Rome by ourself

Trip saving money

All time we have a trip we need time ,
hours, daies and free time....
most of time we can't have everything for different reason.
Non consider you may safe hours and daies
with my info how much do you save?
1 day could be room Hotel/ food etc
and best experience
How much it will be cost a dinner
a good dinner in Rome .....
Save money means also save ourselve
by pickpockets on bus and metro,
normal people, good looking,
young people will pick you easily
if you don't pay attention
in grow situation......
Taxi driver will charge twice for short transport
Restaurant will be good as expensive if
you don't know where to go.....
Loosing in some street will cost
half day, or entire day
if you become tired and won't visit
is for having no plan or good plan

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