Bernini collection

The small collection of works by Bernini (whose first patron was Scipione) comprises a large proportion of his lifetime output of secular sculpture; in this collection one can see the sponsored Bernini mature from juvenile, but talented works, such as the The Goat Amalthea with the Infant Jupiter and a Faun (1615)[3] to his supreme and dynamic Apollo and Daphne (1622–25)[4] and David (1623),[5] considered seminal works of baroque sculpture. In addition, the gallery contains three busts, two of Pope Paul V (1618–20) and one marvelously conversive and stunningly innovative portrait of his patron, Borghese (1632).[6] Finally it has some early, somewhat mannerist, but masterful works such as Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius (1618–19)[7] and the Giambologna-emulating Pluto's Rape of Prosperpine (1621–22),[8] and also a personal allegory of Truth Unveiled by Time (1646–52).[9]

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