Welcome to Rome, the city of basilicas and Roman ruins, including the Colosseum and the Renaissance squares, you can visit the beautiful Trevi Fountain, walk in the center and admire the stunning architecture of the Pantheon and result in the famous Piazza Navona


 Rome and its immense archaeological heritage that can not 'be contained in a list.

 The charm of the ruins that have stood for 2000 years, since the time of Christ,

of Nero justice 'Peter, after the burning of Rome ....



 Rome is one of most Famous City in all over the world; every year Milion of Visitor visit this Antique City with his beauty and history.


In this web site you could find easily info on monuments and life, fountains and squares, restaurants and Hotel, transportation and walking suggestion.


Every part in common is taken from the web but some help , personal help should be under some donation.


I work in tourism and my skill let you visit easily this Big City, just in the best way.


Enjoy and have a nice visiting.


Thank you in advance for you attention


Best Regards



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