Galleria Borghese
The Villa still houses a major part of the collection, as the Galleria Borghese. Many of the sculptures there are displayed in the spaces they were intended for, including early works by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Caravaggio paintings
- Boy with a Basket of Fruit
- St. Jerome
- Sick Bacchus
- Madonna of the Palafrenieri
- David with the Head of Goliath
Other notable paintings
- Sacred and Profane Love by Titian
- Deposition by Raphael
- Danäe by Correggio
- Portrait of a Man by Antonello da Messina (See also Image)
- Diana by Domenichino
- Venus and Cupid by Cranach
- Circe by Dosso Dossi
- The Deposition by Rubens
- Tobias and the Angel by Savoldo
- Madonna and Child with Saints by Lorenzo Lotto
- The Last Supper by Jacopo Bassano
- Various works by Federico Barocci
- Leda and the Swan by followers of Leonardo da Vinci